Key points from article :
John Lewis, CSO at Oisin Biotechnologies, presented at Ending Age-Related Diseases 2019.
Senescent cells continue to be metabollically active - using energy.
Are responsible for almost every ageing related disease.
Therapies will be used by healthy (but aged) individuals - so need to be safe.
Needs broad bioavailability to reach all tissues in the body.
And be highly selective as only represent 1-5% of all cells.
Targeting transcriptional activity – rather than surface markers (with antibodies) or all cells (with small molecule drugs).
Using a fusogenix lipid nanoparticle (LNP) delivery system.
Aptosis induction by iCasp9 is independent of cell cycle.
IC50 in low picomolar range.
Good delivery to range of tissues including the brain.
P53 version working well in solid tumours – spun out OncoSenX company.