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New accurate AI-driven personalized treatment for heart failure patients

AI4HF uses latest methods to lower the risk of disease and develop patient centered care


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The first AI model for tailoring treatment of heart failure is being developed by the AI4HF project in Netherlands.

Project is being conducted by a consortium of international partners including the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).

“Personalised risk calculator will pinpoint the most beneficial treatments for each patient,” said Folkert Asselbergs, project coordinator.

“Model incorporates data on symptoms and lifestyle behaviors, blood tests, electrocardiograms and cardiac imaging.”

Including patients in Europe, South America & Africa will result in novel analyses across populations, clinical settings and ethnic groups.

Patient data will always remain at the local centre and will not be shared.

Cutting-edge AI-patient interface will provide information on personal risk and ways to lower that risk including lifestyle changes.

“AI4HF promises to benefit heart failure patients by adapting management to individual needs.”

Real-world health data will be obtained from BigData@Heart and integrated using the FAIR4Health platform following best practice recommendations for building AI tools by FUTURE-AI.

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European Society of Cardiology

Independent non-profit association focused on reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease

Topics mentioned on this page:
Heart Disease, AI in Healthcare
New accurate AI-driven personalized treatment for heart failure patients