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Islet cell transplants cut down the need for insulin therapy

No need for painful insulin injections for a very long period


Key points from article :

Type 1 diabetes patients may benefit form islet cells transplantation.

Monitored glucose levels continuously in 5 patients that received islet cell transplants in to the liver.

Maintained near normal blood glucose levels without using insulin for about 10 years.

Noted less variability, improvement in time-in-range glucose level and less hypoglycaemia.

These findings will help in getting FDA approval for islet transplantation in US.

Research by University of Miami’s Diabetes Research Institute.

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Camillo Ricordi

Joy Goodman Professor of Surgery and director of the Diabetes Research Institute.

David Baidal

Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism.

Diabetes Research Institute

Institute dedicated to diabetes research

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