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Interview with LEAF's Elena Milova

Education and funding are essential to enable radical life extension in the next 20 years


Key points from article :

Elena Milova, Board Member and Outreach Officer of the Life Extension Advocacy Foundation (LEAF)

Biggest research priorities are biomarkers of aging and understanding of the root mechanisms.

To identify powerful aging cures you need a good way to measure results.

Animal and human clinical trials are fraught with multiple failures and complications.

Progress in medicine is mostly explained by the desire to avoid pain and disease.

The public’s view follows the principle of feasibility.

Only 4–7% of people say that they know “a lot” about progress in aging research.

Lack of funding is one of the biggest challenges.

Dr. Helen Blau at Stanford is working on a pill that reactivates stems cells to prevent sarcopenia.

Her cat is cryopreserved and she plans to have a cryocontract for herself and family members.

People will probably be able to live past 120 in the next 20 years.

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Elena Milova

Life Extension Advocacy Foundation (LEAF) Board Member

Helen Blau

Leading regenerative medicine biologist at Stanford with a focus on stem cells (LEAF)

Supporting the development of biotechnologies focused on ending age-related diseases

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Life Extension