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High levels of killer cells in the immune system of supercentenarians

Relatively immune to infections and cancers - also get to live more than 110 years


Key points from article :

People over the age of 110 have an excess of cytotoxic CD4 T-cells.

Sometimes amount up to 80 percent of all T-cells, compared to just 10 or 20 percent.

Makes them relatively immune to illnesses such as infections and cancer during their entire lifetime.

Used single-cell RNA analysis to uncover the secret behind supercentenarians' longevity.

41,208 cells from seven supercentenarians and 19,994 cells of controls between 50-80 years were analysed.

Potential to be useful in fighting against established tumours and immune-surveillance.

Research by RIKEN and Keio University School of Medicine, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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Keio University School of Medicine

Established in 1917, Keio School of Medicine offers undergraduate programs, graduate programs. Affiliated to Keio University Hospital.

Kosuke Hashimoto

Associate Professor Osaka University

Piero Carninci

Deputy Director at RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences and Head of Genomics Research Center at Human Technopole

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)

Multidisciplinary scientific journal, official journal of the National Academy of Sciences


Organisation dedicated to innovative research in fields including the entire range of the natural sciences

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Ageing Research