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Healthy 90-years-olds have same gut microbiome as 30-year-olds


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Researchers at Lawson Health Research Institute and Tianyi Health Science Institute studied the gut bacteria in a cohort of more than 1,000 Chinese individuals in a variety of age-ranges from 3 to over 100 years-old .

The aim is to bring novel microbiome diagnostic systems to populations, then use food and probiotics to try and improve biomarkers of health.

The main conclusion is that if you are ridiculously healthy and 90 years old, your gut microbiota is not that different from a healthy 30 year old in the same population.

The study was published in the mSphere journal.

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Greg Gloor

Professor of Biochemistry at University of Western Ontario.

Lawson Health Research Institute

Hospital-based research institute located in London, Canada.


Journal with focus on rapid publication of fundamental contributions to our understanding of microbiology.

Western University

Public research university.

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