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GP develops helmet to deliver infrared light therapy to treat dementia

In placebo controlled study, device improved brain processing and memory in patients


Key points from article :

Infrared light therapy could potentially be used to help those living with dementia.

Pilot study used a helmet to beam the light into healthy volunteers’ brains.

Showed improvements in the memory, motor function and processing skills of the volunteers, compared to placebo dummy helmet.

14 healthy people, aged 45 and over received six minutes of Transcranial photobiomodulation therapy (PBM-T) at a wavelength of 2068 nanometres twice a day for a month.

"... provides the first evidence for profound and rapid improvement in memory performance in dementia" - said Paul Chazot, lead researcher.

£7,250 helmet, designed by GP Dr Gordon Dougal, delivers infrared light from 14 fan-cooled LED light arrays deep into the brain.

Research by Durham University published in Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine And Laser Surgery.

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Durham University

Public research university.

Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser Surgery

Journal covering phototherapy, low-level laser therapy (LLLT), and laser medicine and surgery

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Mental Health, Medical Technology