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Europe's age wave: challenges & opportunities for a longer, healthier future

From prevention to participation, a roadmap for healthier, happier, and more productive lives


Key points from article :

Europe is steadily ageing – by 2100, one in three Europeans will be over 65. 

Europeans live long but struggle with health issues and shorter working spans.

At 28.6 years, EU citizens work less than average compared to other global blocs.

"Life expectancy is lower in East Europe than it is in West Europe,” - Arunima Himawan, Senior Health Research Lead, ILC-UK

Eastern European countries have lower vaccination rates and less investment in preventative healthcare.

Attitudes towards "ageing well" are improving, suggesting a growing awareness of the need for healthy longevity.

Initiatives like intergenerational programmes in the Czech Republic offer valuable models for replication across Europe.

Focusing on prevention, economic opportunities, and intergenerational connections in addressing ageing challenges.

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Arunima Himawan

Research Fellow at International Longevity Centre - UK

Topics mentioned on this page:
Life Expectancy, Policy
Europe's age wave: challenges & opportunities for a longer, healthier future