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Eat like Japanese for a long healthy life

Healthy eating patterns and behaviors of the traditional Japanese diet


Key points from article :

Japanese have long been revered and studied for their long life expectancy.

Traditional diet is largely fresh and unprocessed, with very little refined foods or sugar.

Diet high in grains and vegetables, with moderate amounts of animal products and soy but minimal dairy and fruit.

Okinawa has the highest number of centenarians in the world as well as the lowest risk of age-related diseases.

Low in calories and saturated fat yet high in nutrients, especially phytonutrients found in different coloured vegetables.

They also eat raw fish in sushi and sashimi, plus a lot of pickled, fermented and smoked foods.

Consume a wide variety of land and sea vegetables such as seaweed, which is packed full of health-boosting minerals.

Japanese are big fans of green tea, in particular matcha tea which have been linked to fighting cancer, viruses and heart disease.

They have a saying, “hara hachi bu”, which means to eat until you are 80% full.

They often eat from a small bowl and several different dishes.

Topics mentioned on this page:
Diet and Nutrition