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Daily job-related strenuous exercise may shorten your lifespan

Maybe too much of a good thing really can be bad for you. That doesn't mean stop exercising!


Key points from article :

Job-related strenuous exercise throughout life may not extend lifespan.

Analysed longevity for professional Japanese artists involved in Kabuki, Sado, Rakugo and Nagauta.

Kabuki involves more vigorous movements while other performances are more sedentary.

But Kabuki actors had a shorter lifespan compared to others artists.

Excessive endurance training and physical activity may overwhelm the benefits of regular exercise.

Needs more research to find out the optimal level of exercise to live healthy.

Analysed data of 699 living and dead male artists who performed professionally.

Research by Tokyo Tech's Institute of Liberal Arts published in the journal Palgrave Communications.

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Institute for Liberal Arts - Tokyo Institute of Technology

A research university that provides specialized science and technology education

Kazuhiro Kezuka

Researcher at Institute for Liberal Arts - Tokyo Institute of Technology

Naoyuki Hayashi

Professor at Institute for Liberal Arts, Department of Social and Human Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Palgrave Communications

This journal covers the areas of Humanities, Social & Behavioural Sciences

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