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COVID stole years from UK lives, pushing clocks back ten years on life expectancy

Experts warn that the pandemic's impact goes beyond just a few lost years


Key points from article :

Life expectancy in the UK has fallen to its lowest level in a decade, primarily due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

Boys born between 2020 and 2022 can expect to live 78.6 years, while girls can expect to live 82.6 years—both decreases of several weeks compared to pre-pandemic figures.

This decline brings life expectancy back to levels seen in 2010-2012, highlighting the significant impact of the pandemic.

While life expectancy has recovered slightly since 2020, it hasn't fully rebounded, suggesting broader health challenges and healthcare system resilience issues.

The UK's excess mortality during the pandemic was higher than most comparable high-income countries, further worsening its already lagging life expectancy ranking.

Experts emphasize that improving life expectancy in the UK will require a comprehensive strategy that focuses on preventive healthcare, early illness detection and treatment, and reducing health inequalities, especially in deprived communities.

Topics mentioned on this page:
Life Expectancy
COVID stole years from UK lives, pushing clocks back ten years on life expectancy