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Centaura's human artificial chromosome to treat complex diseases, including ageing

A breakthrough technology focusing on effective gene therapies for healthy longevity


Key points from article :

Centaura has begun developing the Human Artificial Chromosome (HAC), promising gene-delivery technology in geroscience.

Once developed, HACs promise to herald in a new era of genome engineering for human cells.

Capable of delivering up to 1000x more genetic information in a single treatment

Aging Profiles along with well-developed gene therapies effectively target multiple genes and pathways.

Centaura considers the bottom-up method to construct HAC, as de novo synthesis of chromosomes is far simpler and more reliable.

Complement other gene-therapy methods, such as CRISPR/Cas-9 technologies.

“HACs have the power to house and test multiple pathways that would otherwise take an incredible amount of labor and time with CRISPR/Cas,” - Alina Chan, Consultant at Centaura.

With recent advances in chromosome biology, gene sequencing and synthesis, Centaura is now on the brink of new generation HACs.

We can see the wide-reaching beneficial impact of HACs on studies and clinical treatments as soon as possible.

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Alina Chan

Gene engineering specialist and Postdoctoral researcher at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard


Company with mission to prevent and reverse aging.

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Gene Therapy