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An origami inspired miniature robot to help with microsurgeries

Will help carry out microscopic surgeries with great precision and control


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A new miniature robot can handle delicate tasks on a microscopic scale.

This tennis ball sized robot can rotate, move up and down, and extend and retract an attached tool.

The upshot of this is a robot designed for surgical tasks that is far smaller than the large machines currently in use.

Tests showed how it can help conduct microsurgeries.

The robot performed a mock teleoperated surgery, mimicking the motion of a human hand moving a pen-like tool.

It was 68 percent more accurate than humans working under the microscope.

Retinal vein cannulation was also done with great precision and control by the robot.

The robot has an easy setup and installation, and an ability to be picked up and moved by hand.

Research by Harvard University published in Nature Machine Intelligence.

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Harvard University

Private Ivy League research university in Massachusetts

Nature Machine Intelligence

Publishes high-quality original research and reviews in a wide range of topics in machine learning, robotics and AI

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Robotic Surgery