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AI-powered platform analyzes blood and health to predict individual disease risk

The company aims to expand access to this technology for broader healthcare impact


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California-based startup Alden Scientific developed an AI tool that can assess an individual's risk for over 200 health conditions and predict the impact of potential treatments.

The company's models are trained on a large dataset that includes genetics, medical records, and lifestyle information from thousands of individuals, as well as a detailed blood test that measures 3,000 proteins.

Alden Scientific claims that its AI models can provide significantly more accurate risk assessments for conditions like Alzheimer's disease compared to existing methods.

The company's tool is initially being used by a group of high-profile Silicon Valley investors as part of an IRB-approved health study.

The study aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of the technology and collect more data to refine the models.a

Alden Scientific hopes to eventually make its tool available to a wider audience, potentially transforming healthcare by enabling personalized preventive care and more effective treatment decisions.

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Alden Scientific

Digital biology from first principles

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AI Diagnostics, Longevity Healthcare
AI-powered platform analyzes blood and health to predict individual disease risk