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3D-printed meds for precise and personalized treatment

Fewer doses, better taste & improved adherence for rare diseases and beyond


Key points from article :

3D printing can combine multiple drugs into one medication.

This reduces the number of times a patient needs to take medication.

Researchers studies 3D printed chewable medications for children with rare metabolic disorders.

The 3D printed tablets were as effective as conventional medication.

Children preferred the taste and texture of 3D printed tablets.

3D printing allows precise and personalized dosing of medications.

This method is useful for rare diseases and improving patient adherence.

Study co-authored by Alvaro Goyanes from Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, published in International Journal of Pharmaceutics.

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Alvaro Goyanes

Co-Founder and Director of Development - FabRx Ltd.

International Journal of Pharmaceutics

Peer-reviewed open access medical journal

Topics mentioned on this page:
3D Printed Drugs, Personalised Medicine
3D-printed meds for precise and personalized treatment