Threefold increase in asteroid strikes over last 300m years
Guardian - 17-Jan-2019Now every million years... do due one any day now!
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Planetary scientist specializing in asteroids working as a Director of the Department for Space Studies at the SwRI in Boulder, Colorado.
William F. (Bill) Bottke is a planetary scientist specializing in asteroids. He works at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. Bottke received his undergraduate degrees, in physics and astrophysics, at the University of Minnesota in 1988. In 1995, he received his PhD in planetary science from the University of Arizona for research on asteroid dynamics.
Bottke’s research focuses on modeling various properties in asteroid dynamics. He has published extensively on the importance of tidal disruption and the Yarkovsky and YORP effects on the physical structure and orbits of asteroids, and the early solar system, particularly the Late Heavy Bombardment.
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Now every million years... do due one any day now!