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Tian Xue

Professor at University of Science & Technology of China.

Honors & Awards:
2003    American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions Selected Late-Breaking Science
2004    NIH Stem Cells Scholarship at the Keystone Stem Cells Symposium, NIH
2006       BEST BASIC SCIENCE PAPER by Circulation, AHA
2007    Final list of Life Science Research Foundation Fellowships

2007    Best Poster Award (3 out of entire Johns Hopkins Neuroscience Department)

Research Field of Interest:

Phototransduction, Non-image vision, Stem Cell, Photoreceptor Regeneration
(Lab of Sensory Neuroscience)

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See also

University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)

National research university in Hefei, Anhui, China.

Details last updated 04-Jan-2020

Tian Xue News

Injectable night vision could be the future for soldiers in combat

Injectable night vision could be the future for soldiers in combat

Popular Mechanics - 23-Sep-2019

Procedure can possibly replace their bulky goggles, as it is successful in mice trial

Nanoparticles allow mice to see wider spectrum of colours

Nanoparticles allow mice to see wider spectrum of colours

Independent - 28-Feb-2019

Would be intriguing to see flowers in UV light like some insects