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Company producing embryonic stem cells for therapeutic use.

Stemaid is one of the only companies in the world offering Embryonic Stem Cells.

Embryonic Stem Cells are up to 6 times more potent in their ability to help the human body heal itself than that of Adult Stem Cells or Umbilical Stem Cells.

Stemaid Institute Europe's Stem Cells are always delivered fresh from the laboratory culture. We never provide frozen stem cells to our partnered doctors as it would reduce the efficacy and number of Stem Cells available for use by your body after application.

We work with doctors to ensure that Stem Cells are counted prior to application, without any additional freezing. This ensures that patients always receive a minimum of 20 million Stem Cells per injection. Some clinics or doctors purchase Stem Cells in a frozen state, and simply 'defrost' them prior to application, so even if there were 20 million Stem Cells prior to freezing, by the time they reach your body, you are receiving less stem-cells than you were told, or possibly none at all!

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Details last updated 15-Oct-2020

People at Stemaid

Brigitte Hanly

CEO and Co-founder at Stemaid Institute Baja California and the #1 specialists in pluripotent stem cell therapy

Denisa Rensen

Age Reversal Expert, Longevity & Lifestyle Medicine, CEO blissDesigned™, Medical Director at Stemaid Institute.

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Stem Cells