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Sense About Science

Charitable organization that promotes science

Sense about Science is an independent charity that promotes the public interest in sound science and evidence. Founded in 2002, Sense about Science works with decision-makers, world-leading researchers and community groups to raise the standard of evidence in public life. It focuses on socially or scientifically difficult issues where evidence is neglected, conflicting or misunderstood.

Sense about Science promotes the public interest in sound science, rather than advocating for understanding and loving science, or for the funding of science. We believe that science and evidence are how we can describe what the world is and how we want it to be. When people don’t have access to the evidence on the issues that affect them it leaves them without the ability to advocate for the interests of themselves, their families, and their communities. Evidence is a tool, and we believe that everyone has a right to it.

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Details last updated 15-Jul-2023

Sense About Science is also referenced in the following:

Asking parliament how ageing research advances affect policy

Adrian Cull asks whether the UK parliament has looked into the rapid progress in ageing research and longevity treatments