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Richard North

Leading independent food safety consultant and author

Richard Anthony Edward North is a British blogger and author. He has published books on defence and agriculture. He was previously the research director in the European Parliament for the now-defunct political grouping Europe of Democracies and Diversities, which included the UK Independence Party (UKIP).

North and Booker wrote a special edition for Private Eye on the 2001 United Kingdom foot-and-mouth outbreak, describing the subsequent merger of the Agriculture (MAFF) and Environment ministries to form the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) as the "most cynical makeover since Windscale changed its name to Sellafield".

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Details last updated 11-Dec-2019

Richard North News

Lion-stamped eggs are safe to consume even in raw form

Guardian - 17-Oct-2017

Eggs have all nine essential amino acids - it's nature's multivitamin pill