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Rejuve Biotech

AI-powered therapeutics for a longer, healthier life

Rejuve Biotech is developing an innovative drug discovery platform and translational medicine service that combines an in-house model organism population with a unique analytical platform. The platform combines state-of-the-art machine learning and artificial general intelligence methods with a continuously updated biomedical knowledge graph integrating human and model organism databases.

The Rejuve Biotech model of choice is the long-lived Methuselah Fly, a type of Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly), selectively bred over hundreds of generations to live up to 5 times longer than wild-type flies.  

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Details last updated 29-Oct-2023

People at Rejuve Biotech

Kennedy Schaal

Chief Executive Officer at Rejuve.Bio, Spin-off CEO at SingularityNET and Senior Biologist at Rejuve.AI

Rejuve Biotech News

Rejuve.Bio combines AI with fruit fly genetics to unlock the secrets of long life

Longevity Technology - 24-Aug-2023

Novel approach to identify ageing targets and fight age-related diseases