Cancer breathalyser starts clinical trial for wide range of cancers
Guardian - 03-Jan-2019VOCs in breath captured by mask sent to lab for diagnosis - avoids invasive tests
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Interim Director of the MRC Cancer Unit, Hutchison-MRC Research Centre.
Professor Rebecca Fitzgerald, based at the MRC Cancer Unit at the University of Cambridge, is head of a research group that studies oesophageal cancer. Despite progress in cancer research, the outlook for patients with this hard-to-treat cancer remains poor because it is often diagnosed late. Finding new ways to catch the disease earlier is therefore important to improve survival, and is the focus of this group’s research.
Professor Fitzgerald and her team have developed a new test, called Cytosponge, to help diagnose a condition called Barrett’s Oesophagus which can sometimes develop into oesophageal cancer. Through a clinical trial called BEST3, the researchers are now introducing Cytosponge to GP practices. This will help diagnose patients with Barrett’s who might benefit from regular check-ups to test for early warning signs of cancer.
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Cancer Research UK
- Independent cancer charity focused on saving lives through research, influence and information
Details last updated 09-Jan-2020
VOCs in breath captured by mask sent to lab for diagnosis - avoids invasive tests
Researchers looked at tissue samples from people with Barrett’s oesophagus that develop into canc...