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R Glen Calderhead

Executive Managing Director, Medicoscientific Affairs at Lutronic Corporation

Born in Scotland, Dr R Glen Calderhead first attended the University of Glasgow, and then in 1976, while subsequently working in Japan, he met Dr Toshio Ohshiro, a pioneer of laser surgery both in Japan and world-wide: by 1978 he was working with the Japan Medical Laser Laboratory and the Ohshiro Clinic of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. After a 5-year spell (1982-1987) in the USA with the newly-formed Laserscope (KTP 532) company in Silicon Valley, Dr Calderhead returned to Japan and worked again with Dr Ohshiro, concentrating on research into and application of the therapeutic laser. The terminology ‘ low level laser therapy’, or LLLT, first coined by Calderhead, was introduced into the medicoscientific literature in 1988. 

Currently based in South Korea, Dr Calderhead still travels world-wide lecturing on all aspects of light- and energy-based medicine as a prolific lecturer at national and international congresses, having given over 300 keynote and special invited lectures over the last three decades. He has published a number of scientific papers and is the author and coauthor of and contributor to several books on laser therapy, laser surgery and simulation surgery

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See also


Company with focus to develop laser based medical devices for skin molding

Details last updated 06-Nov-2020

R Glen Calderhead is also referenced in the following:

Skin rejuvenation using the power of light


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