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OSF preprints

A free, open platform for Preprints

OSF Preprints was designed with a set of overarching goals aimed at revolutionizing scholarly communication across diverse research disciplines. One primary objective is to facilitate and expedite the adoption of new models in scholarly communication, fostering collaboration and knowledge dissemination. Additionally, the platform strives to enhance the accessibility of scholarly works, ensuring that valuable research is readily available to a wider audience. OSF Preprints also emphasizes the importance of providing timely feedback on scholarship, fostering a dynamic and collaborative environment for researchers. By addressing the delays inherent in traditional research publishing, the platform aims to streamline the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge. Furthermore, OSF Preprints seeks to elevate the overall quality of scholarly communication and research dissemination. Lastly, it offers a unified search interface, simplifying access to an expanding array of preprint sources and promoting a more integrated and efficient research discovery process.

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Details last updated 05-Jan-2024

OSF preprints News

Ageing may be driven by disruptions in electrical signals between cells

Live Forever Club - 05-Jan-2024

Bioelectric signals could even promote tissue regeneration