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Oregon Cryonics

Research institute in Salem working on brain preservation.

Our Proposed Protocol

While we do not have these capabilities yet, this is a very brief lay description of how we plan to preserve a brain in an ideal situation. 

-Death is pronounced.

-Tubes are inserted into the carotid arteries.

-Blood is washed out to halt metabolism and prevent clotting.

-Aldehyde chemicals are pumped in to stabilize molecules.

-Cryoprotective Agent (CPA) is pumped in to prevent ice crystals.

-CT scan is performed to validate CPA concentration.

-Placed in permanent storage in liquid nitrogen at -196 °C.


Our Services

We are currently only able to provide very crude storage that is probably not preserving any of the mind.  Our facility, staff, and equipment are severely lacking, and the vast distances between "patients" and us precludes any reasonable services.

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Details last updated 03-Jan-2020

Oregon Cryonics News

Cryonics subscriber cremated against her wishes

Cryonics subscriber cremated against her wishes


Any small chance of reanimation destroyed

Oregon Cryonics is also referenced in the following:

The low-cost future of preserving brains, with Jordan Sparks

Advancing Low-Cost Brain Preservation, with Jordan Sparks

People at Oregon Cryonics

Jordan Sparks

Founder and executive director of Oregon Brain Preservation (OBP)

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