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National Institute of Population and Social Security Research

National research institute in Tokyo, Japan.

The National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, attached to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, was created in 1996 through the integration of the Institute of Population Problems, attached to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and the Social Development Research Institute. Along with investigating population and household trends, the Institute carries out research concerning social security policies and systems in Japan and abroad.

The population data we compile and publish is the basic material for determining our country's essential policies, including pensions and other social security measures. Therefore, it is our mission to respond to the high expectations held by various government actors, as well as many other parties concerned.

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Details last updated 09-Jan-2020

National Institute of Population and Social Security Research News

Japan annual birth rate nearly half a million below death rate

Guardian - 27-Dec-2018

A stark example of how birth rate falls below in replacement level in advanced economies