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National Institute for Basic Biology (NIBB)

Research institute and post graduate university in Japan.

The National Institute for Basic Biology (NIBB) was founded in 1977 to promote and stimulate studies in the field of biology. As a center of excellence (COE), NIBB promotes biological sciences by conducting first-rate research on its own as well as in cooperation with other universities and research organizations. Research at NIBB covers a wide variety of biological fields, such as cell biology, developmental biology, neurobiology, evolutionary biology, environmental biology, and theoretical biology, and is conducted to elucidate general and fundamental mechanisms underlying various biological phenomena.

Besides being a research institute, NIBB also functions as an institution of higher education.
NIBB offers advanced graduate education in this excellent research environment with the goal of cultivating future leaders in biology. NIBB constitutes the Department of Basic Biology in the School of Life Science of the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI). The Department offers a five-year Doctoral course for university graduates and a three-year senior Doctoral course for those students who have completed a Master's course.

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Details last updated 09-Nov-2020

National Institute for Basic Biology (NIBB) News

Investigating the Mechanisms of Remyelination

Investigating the Mechanisms of Remyelination

Fight Aging! - 07-Sep-2015

As well as diseases such as multiple sclerosis everyone suffers demyelination as part of aging. ...

People at National Institute for Basic Biology (NIBB)

Masaharu Noda

Professor Emeritus at the National Institute for Basic Biology.