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Max Planck Institute for Astronomy

Research institute of the Max Planck Society.

How do stars and planets form? What can we learn about planets orbiting stars other than the Sun? Do any other planets host life? How do galaxies form, and how have they changed in the course of cosmic history?

Those are the central questions guiding the work of the scientists and engineers at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) in Heidelberg. The institute was founded in 1967, and it is one of roughly 80 institutes of the Max Planck Society, Germany's largest organizations for basic research.

MPIA has a staff of around 290, three quarters of which are working in sci-tech. At any given time, the institute features numerous junior scientists and guest scientists both from Germany and abroad.

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Details last updated 06-Jun-2020

People at Max Planck Institute for Astronomy

Coryn Bailer-Jones

Staff member at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy.

Max Planck Institute for Astronomy News

How stars can nudge comets to strike Earth

Guardian - 31-Aug-2017

A collision with a giant comet would be cataclysmic. The odds of another such catastrophe have r...