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Kate Bache

Co-founder and Managing Director at Health & Her

Originally a qualified chemist (MChem) before moving into commercial roles in various FMCG companies, Kate Bache, co founder of Health & Her® is a specialist in international innovation, commercialisation and marketing leadership. Kate has more recently founded and successfully exited a new femcare brand, KIND Organic, and has big ambitions to develop Health & Her into a leading business in female health.

Kate is the person who brings together all the great advice and products that Health & Her offers – and makes sure that we’re providing the best service possible, on the most appropriate platform. 

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See also

Health & Her

Online menopause clinic and supplements and product for women in menopause

Details last updated 28-Jan-2022

Kate Bache is also referenced in the following:

Longevity Leaders World Congress 2022

26-Feb-2022 to 27-Feb-2022

Event for leaders in longevity science, technology, business and finance organized by Longevity Leaders (LSX)