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João Araujo

Invited Assistant Professor at Nova Medical School

Professor João Araújo, Invited Assistant Professor at NOVA Medical School, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He is mainly involved in teaching the Curricular Units (CU) of Food Chemistry and Food Microbiology, both of the Degree in Nutrition Sciences, and of Nutrition and Metabolism of the Integrated Master in Medicine. He is regent of the UC of Research Methodologies in Nutrition, of the Master in Human Nutrition and Metabolism. Researcher at CINTESIS (Center for Health Technology and Services Research). His main areas of research interest are basic research in metabolism, microbiota, microbiology and nutrition.

Degree in Nutrition Sciences from the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the University of Porto. PhD in Metabolism from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto. Postdoctoral fellow in microbiota and host metabolism at the Pasteur Institute in Paris.”

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See also

NOVA Medical School (NMS)

Medical school in Lisbon, unit of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

Details last updated 24-Dec-2022

João Araujo is also referenced in the following:

Longevity Med Summit

04-May-2023 to 05-May-2023

Annual gathering of the entire longevity ecosystem to tackle the aging problem