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Italian Longevity League

National association founded by medical doctors, researchers, and professionals

We want you to provide up-to-date tools for  remain physically and mentally active, independent and socially useful.

Responds to the update request from doctors, nutritionists, biologists, pharmacists and professionals in the health and non-health field  who want to follow an evidence-based training course in the field of prevention of aging or active aging.

It is the model for a Format  structure (replicable after the training course) created to scientifically address the aspects useful for active longevity according to the principles of 4P medicine (preventive, predictive, participatory, personalized).

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Details last updated 26-Nov-2023

Italian Longevity League is also referenced in the following:

International Longevity Alliance (ILA)

Facilitating faster development and implementation of life-extending technologies to ensure healthy longevity for all