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Hunan University

Public research university in China

Hunan University is a national public research university affiliated with the Ministry of Education. It is one of the top engineering research universities in China. 

HNU has Graduate School and 25 colleges and departments. Professional disciplines involve 11 subject categories, namely philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, management, medicine, and arts, which offer 28 first-order disciplines authorized to confer Ph.D. degrees; three professional doctorate degree authorization; 35 first-order disciplines authorized to confer Master's degree; 26 professional master’s degree authorizations; and, and 62 undergraduate disciplines.

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Details last updated 28-Sep-2021

Hunan University News

A self-propelled DNA robot moves living cells while walking on the cell membranes

A self-propelled DNA robot moves living cells while walking on the cell membranes

Chemistry World - 24-Sep-2021

A breakthrough approach for cell-based treatments and precision medicine

People at Hunan University

Zhou Nie

Professor at College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hunan University