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Gunther Amman-Jennson

Expert on the topics of sleep, health, relaxation, life energy and founder of Bioenergetic Sleep

Prof. Dr. med. hc Günther W. Amann-Jennson, born in 1953, sleep psychologist (head of the Institute for Sleep Psychology and Sleep Coaching in Frastanz/AT and founder of the family business SAMINA) has extensive international training in psychology and medicine and has extensive specialist knowledge of the holistic connections between body and soul and spirit acquired. The focus is on Bioenergetic Sleep®.

The internationally successful SAMINA sleep-healthy concept emerged from over 10 years of work as a psychologist and psychotherapist, which meets all known sleep biology, sleep medicine, orthopedic, bed climate, thermoregulatory, microcirculatory and electrobiological requirements for healthy sleep. It stands for the highest possible sleep quality and includes the measurable improvement of sleep on all levels through holistically oriented sleep-healthy products and a trouble-free sleeping environment.

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Details last updated 18-Feb-2024

Gunther Amman-Jennson is also referenced in the following:

Turn Around Aging Conference


Conference focused on healthy longevity (Munich, Germany)