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Gemma M. M. Jones

Author, gerontologist and dementia-care educator

Gemma MM Jones, HBSc, BSN, RN, CVT, PhD, has a background in biology, gerontology, and nursing; her doctorate was about the neuro-psychopharmacology of Alzheimer’s disease.  She is an internationally known dementia-care educator, writer, speaker, a dementia-care and dementia-care environment consultant, and the Director of The Wide Spectrum – which develops and promotes dementia education resources.  In 2000, she co-founded the Alzheimer Café UK, (CIO, no. 1165335), and is its current chair;

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Details last updated 04-Oct-2019

Gemma M. M. Jones Creations

Care-Giving in Dementia: Volume 1: Research and Applications


Book with neurobiological information about dementia written by Gemma M. M. Jones