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Fusion Conferences

Scientific conference organiser providing live and virtual meetings for the physical, medical and life sciences

Fusion Conferences is a scientific conference organiser. We specialise in meetings within the academic and corporate industry for those working at the forefront of physical, medical, life sciences and their related technologies.

Why does a Fusion conference stand out from other scientific meetings? Our meetings attract an exclusive audience of 60-80 participants who have a narrow concentration within a specialised field. We create a platform for informal, workshop style forums delivering a more intense scientific experience unlike other larger style conferences.

Our conferences bring together a 'Fusion' of distinguished leaders, young investigators, scientific ideas, unpublished research, new collaborations and global representation.

Our conference venues are of a very high standard, located in culturally rich areas allowing delegates to explore and socialise outside of the conference, adding to the unforgettable experience of a Fusion conference.

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Details last updated 03-Jan-2023

Fusion Conferences Creations

4th Interventions in Aging Conference

11-Oct-2023 to 14-Oct-2023

Conference about preventing ageing with Linda Partridge and Heinrich Jasper as a Chair