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Finding the Fountain

Why Government Must Unlock Biotech's Potential to Maximize Longevity, written by Breanna Deutch

While the lifespan of the average American has increased over the decades, by the time we reach our 60’s our bodies are often compromised with a long list of chronic diseases and conditions. To mitigate this debilitated state, or possibly even prevent it altogether, we must address the underlying cause of the majority of ailments that affect our health in mid-to-late life — aging. Luckily, there is growing scientific evidence that we may someday be able to treat aging just as any other chronic disease. But potential life-saving and life-enhancing medical technologies often face steep hurdles, preventing them from moving from the lab to your medicine cabinet or local hospital. We can overcome some of these roadblocks if the US government prioritizes research investigating the biology of aging and takes action to reform the regulatory system to recognize aging as a treatable condition. Inside you will hear firsthand from leaders in longevity biotechnology and · How new research debunks longstanding beliefs that we do not have some control over the aging process · Technologies scientists are developing that have the potential to defy old age · Initial steps the US government must take to expedite the development of safe and effective longevity treatments We do have the ability to influence the quality of our life as we age. The most promising medical treatments are waiting just around the corner. By getting the US government onboard, we can expedite the development of longevity biotechnology. This book is an important read if you want to live a long and healthy life, and wish the same for your friends, family and the rest of humanity.

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Breanna Deutsch

MPP student at Cambridge University and Author

Details last updated 16-Feb-2025