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David Sharrow

Demographer/Statistician at UNICEF.

Dave Sharrow is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the School of Aquatic and Fishery Science at the University of Washington, where he performs feats of demographic and statistical import for the general appreciation of his colleagues. Prior joining the SAFS, Dave completed a year-long postdoc in the Department of Statistics. Before that, he roamed the halls of the Sociology department at UW where, after many hours of debugging R code and wanting to toss his computer out of a high-rise window,  he quietly snuck away with a PhD in the summer of 2013. Dave’s research interests include demography, mortality, longevity, health disparities, health metrics, and quantitative methods. He has a major area certification in Demography and Human Ecology and a minor area certification in Social Statistics.

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See also: Academia University of Washington (UW) - Public research university in Seattle, Washington

Details last updated 27-Aug-2020

David Sharrow News

Twins more likely to live to retirement

New Scientist - 18-May-2016

Identical twins are less likely to die young from unexpected causes. 10% more likely to survive ...