Dariusz Soldacki
Scientific Director of the Longevity Centre
Dariusz Sołdacki holds a doctorate in medical sciences, obtained at the Medical University of Warsaw in 2015; specialist in internal medicine, specialist in clinical immunology, undergoing specialist training in the field of allergology; senior assistant, Department of Internal Diseases, Pneumonology, Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Military Institute of Medicine, Warsaw; assistant professor, Department of Clinical Immunology, Medical University of Warsaw;
Member of the Polish Society of Clinical and Experimental Immunology, the European Society of Immunodeficiencies and the Polish Society of Allergology and the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EEACI). Participation in the translation of the Polish edition of "Geriatria" by Thomas Rosenthal - 2009 and the Polish edition of "Manual of Kidney Transplantation" by Gabriel M. Danovitch - 2006. Conducts research on the analysis of iron metabolism and accumulation of heavy metals in human livers in cooperation with the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, he conducted research on the mechanisms leading to liver fibrosis and regeneration. Clinical interests include diagnosis and treatment of primary and secondary immunodeficiencies, allergology.
See alsoDetails last updated 07-Aug-2023
Dariusz Soldacki is also referenced in the following:
ARDD 2023 - 10th Aging Research & Drug Discovery Meeting
28-Aug-2023 to 01-Sep-2023
Event about latest progress in the molecular, cellular and organismal basis of aging organized by University of Copenhagen