Boris Carikeo Aguilera
Futurist, Consultant in Higher Education, Technology Policy, ITC & Robotics, and Anti-Aging & Genomics Industry.
Boris Carikeo Aguilera is an electronic engineer, technopreneur, economist, academic, and futurist, who has worked on different areas including tecnology policy, sustainable development, Latin America, sistems of innovation & entrepreneurship, public policy, health technologies, higher education, information technologies and Future Studies.
Carikeo was born in Tomé, Chile, from Mapuche estirpe, people from South America whose nation “The Wallmapu” existed in part of what is today Argentina and Chile.
Carikeo obtained his Engineer degree and Master of Science (MII) degrees in Industrial Engineering at the University of Concepcion (UDEC), Concepción, Chile. Obtained a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) at Bio Bio University. He subsequently studied his Master in Applied Economics at Georgetown University in Washington, USA, and at the International University of Andalucia, Spain, a specialization in Political science in iberoamerica. He started his doctoral degree in Policy and Management of Higher Educación at Untref Public University, Buernos Aires Argentina.
Details last updated 15-Oct-2020
Boris Carikeo Aguilera is also referenced in the following:
Healthy Masters International Conference
05-Nov-2022 to 06-Nov-2022
Healthy Masters conference about living longer and healthier life
Healthy Masters International Conference 2023
11-Nov-2023 to 12-Nov-2023
Healthy Masters conference about living longer and healthier life