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Baltics Conference on Healthy Longevity

Conference promoting healthy longevity organised by Longevity Alliance Baltic (LAB) (Riga, Latvia, FREE)


The first Baltics Conference on Healthy Longevity, organized by the Longevity Alliance Baltic (LAB) will take place on 25 November 2023 (11.00-17.00) in the Latvian University – House of Nature, in Riga, Latvia.

Some of the leading longevity researchers and advocates in the Baltic area and internationally will take part. Hopefully, this conference will help increase the awareness about longevity research and help build up the longevity community in the Baltic region, catalyzing a further development of the longevity field internationally.

Speakers at this conference are:

• Alex Zhavoronkov

• Amit Goldman

• Ilia Stambler

• Marta Kobzevaite

• Nir Barzilai

• Sergey Jakimov

• Svjatoslavs Kistkins

• Ugis Kletnieks

• Valdis Pirags

Visit website:

See also

Longevity Alliance Baltic (LAB)

Dedicated to Advancing Health, Science, and Collaboration

Details last updated 22-Oct-2023

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Mentioned in this Resource

Alex Zhavoronkov

CEO of InSilico Medicine & Deep Longevity. CSO of Biogerontology Research Foundation

Ilia Stambler

Researcher at Bar Ilan University, Chief Science Officer at Vetek (Seniority) - the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life (Israel)

Marta Kobzevaite

Head Of Business Development at LMS Health and Founder and CEO of Ellongevity.

Nir Barzilai

Founding director of the Institute for Aging Research

Sergey Jakimov

Longenesis CEO

Svjatoslavs Kistkins

Medical Doctor at Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital

Ugis Kletnieks

Chief Executive Officer at SilvExpo

Valdis Pirags

Managing Director at the International Institute of Indic Studies, University of Latvia