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Asher Jones

Science writer

Asher Jones is a science journalist based in Virginia, and currently working as editorial intern at The Scientist. Asher holds a PhD in entomology from Penn State University, and she was a 2020 AAAS Mass Media Fellow at Voice of America.

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See also: Publisher The Scientist - News provider covering discoveries and innovative trends across the spectrum of life science research

Details last updated 13-Apr-2021

Articles written by Asher Jones

Blood test decodes your aging clock: metabolites hold the key to staying young

UPMC - 11-Mar-2024

New discovery unveils a molecular fingerprint to predict biological age


New insight on the accumulation of senescent cells in humans

UPMC - 30-Jun-2022

Oxidative DNA damage induce rapid senescence compared with shorter telomeres from repeated cell divisions


'Rogue' protein assists cancer progression in humans

The Scientist - 01-Apr-2021

Inactivating Siglec-XII could lower the risk of cancer, but more research is still needed