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Aaron Kimball

Chief Technical Officer at Zymergen.

At Zymergen, Aaron is responsible for building the data architecture to facilitate a robotics-driven approach to genome engineering. Prior to joining Zymergen, Aaron has worked at several big data-oriented startups. He was the first employee at Cloudera, where he helped with a variety of big data challenges. In 2010 Aaron cofounded WibiData, the big data application company. Aaron has been working with the open-source project Apache Hadoop since 2007 and authored Apache Sqoop and MRUnit. He holds a bachelor's degree from Cornell University and a master's degree from the University of Washington in computer science.

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See also: Company Zymergen - Science and material innovation company.

Details last updated 09-Aug-2020

Aaron Kimball News

A new breed of scientist, with brains of silicon

Science Magazine - 05-Jul-2017

Robots use sound waves to create droplets a thousand times smaller than one a human can transfer....