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A reality check on longevity: Mark Hamalainen’s plan to solve aging

Mark Hamalainen's strategy for tackling ageing

Mark Hamalainen stands out for his honesty and commitment to reality-based thinking in the fight against ageing. Unlike many longevity influencers, he avoids overhyped promises, focusing instead on actionable strategies to advance bioengineering, molecular ageing data, and visionary ideas like biostasis. His work is driven by a relentless pursuit of real progress, offering a deeply informed and realistic path toward overcoming ageing.

Key Points:

Mark Hamalainen's realistic and committed approach to solving ageing emphasizes his focus on tangible progress rather than hype. In this episode, he discusses his strategies for advancing bioengineering, pursuing data-driven research, and exploring visionary ideas.

  • Mark Hamalainen's Longevity Mission: Mark has spent over 20 years focused on solving ageing, aiming to create a future where indefinite lifespans are a reality.
  • Current State of ageing Research: Despite advances, there are still no regulatory-approved interventions for ageing, and Mark emphasizes the slow pace of progress as a major issue.
  • Key Bottlenecks to Progress: Mark identifies the main barriers as limited funding, a lack of talent, and inadequate access to large-scale ageing data, calling for more public databases and a systemic push toward faster solutions.
  • Longevity Biotech Fellowship: This initiative, co-founded by Mark, aims to bring more experts into the field of ageing research, increase the number of companies focused on longevity, and develop strategies through the Longevity Acceleration Roadmap.
  • Replacement Strategy for ageing: Mark discusses the idea of replacing ageing body parts with younger ones, including full body transplants and gradual brain rejuvenation as potential ways to extend lifespan without solving ageing at the molecular level.
  • Optimism with Caution: While promising strategies like bioengineering and cryopreservation exist, Mark cautions that solutions are still far off for most people alive today, and the rate of progress must significantly accelerate.

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See also: Publisher LEVITY Podcast - Ageing Science and radical life extension podcast with Peter Ottsjö and Ingemar Patrick Linden

Details last updated 05-Sep-2024

Mentioned in this Resource

Mark Hamalainen

Longevity technologist, entrepreneur, founder of LessDeath