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199 Biotechnologies

Company that develops therapies to slow, halt and reverse ageing

199 Biotechnologies is a research and development engine committed to extending human longevity by offering cost-effective rejuvenation therapies to the masses.

Our mission is to revolutionise healthcare model by creating cutting-edge technologies that mimic Nature's design processes. We endeavour to expedite the integration of these innovations into commercial products by establishing strategic clinical partnerships, ultimately generating a positive, near-term impact on the world.

We utilise a distinctive method of transferring technology from academia to the real world. Innovations developed in our research labs are enhanced and the risks are reduced, both technically and financially, by our expert Technology and Business Development teams. These technologies are then granted to newly-established startups or existing industry collaborators to create immediate, beneficial effects on a global scale.

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Details last updated 06-Aug-2023

People at 199 Biotechnologies

Boris Djordjevic

Chief Executive Officer at the 199 Biotechnologies