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Toxic weed, cocklebur found having anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties

The weed could serve as an all-natural skin care product if turns out beneficial


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A study finds that fruit from the cocklebur plant, an invasive weed, may have anti-aging and anti-inflammatory capabilities.

Scientists also found cocklebur extracts helped reduce UVB damage and speed wound healing in 3D tissue models.

Previous consumer surveys suggested that many women want their skin care products to be considered all-natural.

While the research team’s findings are promising, they also cautioned that high doses of cocklebur fruit extract could be harmful. 

They found the cocklebur fruit extracts increased both the production and degradation of collagen and sped-up wound healing.

 At lower doses, it also provided a protective effect against UVB radiation.

"So, extraction with ethanolTrusted ... was the first step in our research,” Eunsu Song, lead author said.

The study was carried out at Myongji University in South Korea and the findings were presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

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American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)

An international nonprofit scientific and educational organization

Eunsu Song

Doctoral candidate, Department of Food and Nutrition at Myongji University

Myongji University South Korea

Educational Institution

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Toxic weed, cocklebur found having anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties