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Tiny robots in a pill successfully treat inflammatory bowel disease in mice

This approach uses algae-powered robots to neutralise harmful proteins in the colon


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Researchers at the University of California San Diego have developed a pill containing tiny robots that successfully treated inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in mice.

These robots, made of nanoparticles attached to algae cells, are released in the colon where they neutralise harmful proteins and reduce inflammation.

This innovative, drug-free treatment reduced IBD symptoms like bloody stool and weight loss without causing side effects.

The study, published in Science Robotics, is a promising step towards a new treatment for IBD in humans.

However, further research is needed to determine if this approach will be safe and effective for people.

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Science Robotics

Journal providing information in the field of robotics

Topics mentioned on this page:
Nanobots, Digestive System
Tiny robots in a pill successfully treat inflammatory bowel disease in mice