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Synthetic antibodies able to target senescent cells

nanoMIPs could improve the specificity of senolytics


Key points from article :

Discovered a series of proteins overexpressed on the surface of senescent cells.

Molecularly Imprinted Nanopolymers can be moulded to recognise any protein of a cell.

nanoMIPs were made to recognise an extracellular epitope, B2M.

Able to detect senescent cells in vitro (in the lab) and in vivo (in living mice).

Nanoparticles loaded with a drug were able to specifically target and kill old cells in the lab.

Research lead by Dr Salvador Macip, Associate Professor at the University of Leicester.

The study was published in Nanoscale Horizons.

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Nanoscale Horizons

Journal providing information on in areas of nanoscience & nanotechnology.

Salvador Macip

Associate Professor in Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at University of Leicester.

University of Leicester

Public research university for UK and international students

Topics mentioned on this page:
Senescent Cells, Nanobots