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Potentially devastating asteroid skims by Earth almost undetected

Have you got your go bag ready in case of an unexpected disaster?


Key points from article :

100-metre wide space rock slipped through Nasa’s detection systems.

Asteroid "2019 OK" passed by a fifth of the distance to the moon.

Largest asteroid to pass so close to earth in the last century.

Direct hit would have created a blast wave causing localised devastation to an area roughly 50 miles across.

Brazilian observatory spotted it on 24 July just hours before its close encounter with Earth.

Originally seen on 7 July, but it was moving too slowly to be identified as a near-Earth object.

How many times this situation has happened without the asteroid being discovered at all?

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NASA Center for NEO Studies (CNEOS)

Center for computing asteroid and comet orbits and their probability of Earth impact

Paul Chodas

Manager of the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) at JPL

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Asteroid Impact