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Open Bionics' 3D printed prosthetic hand restores grip for amputee

Bionic device offers comfort, function, and freedom for everyday use


Key points from article :

Open Bionics created a new 3D-printed prosthetic hand called Hero Gauntlet.

A man who lost four fingers in an accident is now able to hold objects again with the help of the device.

He can now perform daily tasks like holding groceries and plans to use it for fishing, biking, and DIY projects.

It is controlled by wrist motion and is lightweight and comfortable for all-day wear.

Samantha Payne, CEO of Open Bionics, said: "It's pure joy to see this piece of engineering have an instant positive impact."

Open Bionics is working with German insurance to offer the Hero Gauntlet to more amputees.

The company also makes another prosthetic arm called Hero Arm used in multiple countries.

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Open Bionics

UK-based company that develops low-cost bionic hands

Samantha Payne

Co Founder and COO at Open Bionics, Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer and Journalist

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3D Printed Prosthetics
Open Bionics' 3D printed prosthetic hand restores grip for amputee