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Lab-grown brain cells are now learning to control robots

This could revolutionize robotics and lead to advances in medicine


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Researchers from Tianjin University and Southern University of Science and Technology in China have developed MetaBOC, an open-source system that enables lab-grown brain cells on computer chips to learn and control robots.

This innovative technology allows the brain cells, called organoids, to perceive the world through electrical signals and learn to perform various tasks like obstacle avoidance and grasping objects.

The brain organoids are grown under focused ultrasound stimulation, which enhances their ability to form complex connections similar to those found in human brains.

MetaBOC utilizes AI algorithms within the software to effectively communicate with the biological intelligence of the brain cells.

While the technology is still in its early stages, it has demonstrated the potential to revolutionize robotics and our understanding of biological and artificial intelligence interactions.

Notably, the organoids are trained in a simulated environment, minimizing the risk of damage to the delicate biological components while they learn to control the robot.

The research builds upon previous work on brain-on-a-chip technologies and showcases the potential of these systems to learn and adapt in real time.

The Chinese team specifically mentions robotics as a primary application for this technology, with potential future scenarios involving brain-controlled robots performing complex tasks.

Ethical considerations surrounding the use of human brain cells in biocomputing are crucial and continue to be debated as this field advances.

This research represents a significant step forward in our understanding of how biological and artificial intelligence can work together, with potential implications for medicine, robotics, and beyond.

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Tianjin University

First modern university in China

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Brain Interface
Lab-grown brain cells are now learning to control robots